Dog and Baby Training
Dogs to Diapers: The Proven, Easy-to-Follow Guide for a Safe Transition into a New, Happy Family Unit with Your Dog and Baby
Why Dogs to Diapers?
Dogs to Diapers teaches parents how to help their dog feel like a family member after a newborn arrives.
We’re Jordan and Carrie Wooddell, parents and professional dog trainers with over 20 years of experience. We use a gentle approach to helping dogs adjust to your newest family member, with no punishments or isolation.
The Story Behind Dogs to Diapers
We created this course because…..
- We believe dogs don’t have to be victims of changing circumstances… they can be active participants!
- Much of the information on the internet is outdated and can cause more harm than good.
- Too many parents came to us after their dog had a biting incident and said, “I never saw it coming.”
- Dog Trainers, doulas, birth educators, and childcare providers around the country wanted a reliable tool to help their clients’ dogs adjust to life with a new baby.
12 Common Myths Pertaining to Dogs & Kids
MYTH #1: Your dog will accept your new baby into the family and there is no need to train them; they will accept/love the baby because you do.
For generations, we have introduced dogs and babies into the home together and have left it to...
MYTH #2: If you bring home an article of clothing with your newborn’s scent on it, it will help your dog to accept and familiarize itself with the new baby.
FACT: This is probably the number one myth out there! When I was in the hospital after my...
MYTH #3: Your dog will be good around your newborn because they have been around kids before and loved them.
FACT: We live in a culture that waits until there is a problem before deciding we need to take...
MYTH #4: Using a “fake” baby will help your dog prepare for your newborn and will give us an idea of how the dog will respond to the new baby.
FACT: We have no way of knowing how your dog will perceive the “fake” baby and dogs are...
MYTH #5: When your dog nips at the baby, that is OK because the child needs to learn not to roughhouse with the dog.
FACT: It is not the dog’s job to create boundaries for their space. A baby does not understand...
MYTH #6: Pit Bulls are famous for being the “nanny dog”.
FACT: Here is an exert from an interview that we did with Leri Hanson, a pit bull breeder....
MYTH #7: Letting the dog sleep with your kid will make them bond together.
FACT: Allowing your dog to sleep with your kids puts them all on equal playing ground. They...
MYTH #8: My dog is so well tempered he will allow my kids to grab his/her food while eating.
FACT: As a dog trainer, I hear this all the time. When did that become the determining factor on...
MYTH #9: I trust my dog alone with my baby.
FACT: Dogs are animals and animals can be unpredictable. This statement sets all parties up for...
MYTH #10: My dog has been around kids and never had an issue, so this information doesn’t pertain to me bringing home a newborn.
FACT: A kid and a newborn/baby are not the same context for your dog and they may not treat them...
MYTH #11: There are only certain breeds that you need to worry about around babies or Young Kids.
FACT: Any breed of dog is capable of nipping/biting/mauling or killing a child. It is important...
MYTH #12: Once a dog bites or tastes blood it will always be aggressive and you need to get rid of the dog.
FACT: Once a dog resorts to biting, it has now opened up a new behavior and depending on the...