Foundation Full Service Training

The Foundation Full Service Training Program is designed for dogs 6 months of age and older. This 3 week training program is held at our training facility and focuses on reliable leash obedience around distractions including; playing dogs, clients coming and going, the industrial park, the apartment above the kennel, and the local Frisbee field.

Additionally, the Foundation Full Service Training is specified to the majority of common issues that happen around the dog’s house including; jumping, digging, barking, counter surfing, bolting out doors, chewing, and any specific issue pertaining to your individual dog.

This program is geared toward clients who’s main goals and objectives are centered around their dog’s obedience in their home, local neighborhood, and regular park. The results of this training will also include any customized goals we discuss during the meet/greet and the 9 basic obedience commands that are listed below:

All Full Service Programs include learning in the following 9 commands:

  • Heel
  • Automatic sit while heeling
  • Sit
  • Down
  • Stay
  • Door stays/car stays
  • Come
  • Place
  • OK (the release command)
*For a detailed description of each command and the expectation please click here

Sit - In this exercise, the dogs behind must make contact with the floor. No hovering!

Down - In this exercise, the dog's elbows must touch the floor.

Heel - In this exercise, the dog should be in position on the left side (unless discussed otherwise during the meet/greet). Your dog's shoulder should line up with your knee, and the leash should be "loose" at all times.

Stay - In this exercise, you can leave the dog in a sit or a down position. The dog has to hold that position until you return to the dog and give the release. *You must never release the dog from the stay position if you are away from the dog. I want the dog to be clear about staying and coming. These two commands are opposite exercises. While in the stay, walk back to where you assigned the sit or down and give the release word "OK" to allow them to break the position.

Come - In this exercise, we wait until the dog is "free-roaming." Then, you say the dog's name and the COME command. The dog should stop what it's doing and come to you. The dog needs to be within a 1-yard radius of you and not leave until you give it the release command "OK."

Place - In this exercise, you assign your dog to a specific "Place." The definition of a place is anything that is elevated off the ground or has a texture difference. Examples are dog beds, Kuranda beds, park benches, and backseats of cars; you can be creative and challenge your dog! The same rules apply as in the stay position.

No - This command marks a behavior we want the dog to change.

Good - We tell our dogs this command to let them know they are doing what we want and that if they continue this behavior, they will be rewarded or eventually given the release command "OK."

OK - Release word to end any exercise.

Off - This command is used for jumping on people or furniture. If the dog's feet leave the ground, we will say NO OFF.

Out - To release a toy.

Enough - This is a command we use around the kennel for barking. If your dog is barking, Enough indicates you need the dog to stop.

Mannerisms your dog knows from the training without having to say a specific commands - Not bolting out of an opened door, not jumping out of the car when the door is opened, not rushing out of a crate when you open the door, sitting before meals, sitting to get their collar and leash put on, not jumping to great guests, not counter surfing/begging, not being overly pushy for attention.  *All the unspoken behaviors that make a dog easier to live with!


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